Working for yourself can prove both empowering and rewarding. However, it isn’t something you should enter into lightly and the more you can prepare yourself and get things right at the outset, the higher your chances of success. You may have heard of the saying ‘fail to plan, plan to fail’.
What would you do if I told you that the coloured gemstone that you wear on your neck came from a country where the mining process is connected to serious human-right’s violations and has a detrimental impact on the environment? Would it have stopped you from purchasing it? Would it stop you from wearing it?
Costing is something many designers get so, so infuriatingly wrong.
It can be incredibly frustrating if you are a professional maker who relies upon their business to pay their way in life- mortgages, rising bills, etc, when there are other sellers out there barely charging the cost price of the materials because it is their hobby and not something they rely upon. It devalues the industry as a whole and it doesn’t make them popular with those trying to forge a genuine business.
The properties of gemstones and how to handle your gemstones during the making process. By Sarah Reece
This is actually quite a tricky blog post to write. Tools come with lots of variation of opinion, there are various brands to choose from, lots of price variation, and our needs as jewellers vary. However, I have put together a bit of an introduction to developing your own tool kit which will hopefully help […]
Hello everyone, I thought I would write a few blog posts about setting up at home. It seems like a good time as we are all currently in Corona lockdown. While it’s a bit depressing not being able to go and see our friends and family and visit our favourite places (eherm pub), it is […]